Holly Mae Hop-twins JD

I ♥ February – Twelve

My dad gets to come out here almost about once a month for business. And when he does he gets to come hang out with us for an afternoon, or sometimes more. I love it when we get visits him. And the kids do too! I love taking him to See’s Candies and he loves […]

Holly Mae Hop-twins JD

I ♥ February – Eleven

Holly and JD’s personalities are changing so much these days. I love it. I always wondered if Holly would ever love princesses and dresses. And it seems as though she does. I love how she wants to carry around her Belle and Cinderella. “Rarella” “Blanket” “Belle” The babies can’t go anywhere without their blankets. We […]


I ♥ February – Ten

I love birthdays. Growing up we celebrated birthdays with special dinners and on occasion a friend party. I remember my eighth birthday was extra special with extended family and my neighborhood friends. We also celebrated that same birthday a month later when I was baptized a member of the church. That was a beautiful day! […]


I ♥ February – Nine

I’m addicted. Really I could name a few things, but I’ll admit only one. I’m addicted to my iPhone. I have to charge it sometimes have to charge it twice in one day because I use it so much. I love to text, read blogs, check my email, check facebook, and play kiddie games with […]


I ♥ February – Eight

We’ve been watching a lot of sports around here lately. And though we are disappointed with some of the teams, cough 49ers, A’s and Warriors cough, we are extremely excited to be watching the Cougars this year. Both football and basketball! Basketball more so because there’s this guy, maybe you’ve heard of him, JD sure […]

Holly Mae Hop-twins JD

I ♥ February – Six

I love Spring. And you would’ve thought that here in California this weekend it was. But it’s still February. Instead of rain and cold, cloudy weather we were running around outside in sandals and short sleeves in the 75 degree weather! Beautiful! Holly and JD were loving it. Anyone who is able to achieve brand […]


I ♥ February – Five

I love my family. Growing up we got along really well. We lived on a street in Wisconsin with lots of friends and so we all hung out together. Of course we got annoying to each other and got in fights, but honestly it wasn’t very often. As we have gotten older, we have become […]