
Great Friends

Having twins has been pretty exciting for everyone. We are grateful for all of the many gifts and showers from friends and family. JD and Holly will be set for a long time! I am really excited to dress them up and use everything we received. It should be consumed at least an hour before […]


31 weeks and counting

It’s been four weeks since our last ultrasound so we were very eager to see the babes today! After watching all of these baby shows on tv I really wanted to know if the fluid looked good, if JD’s weight was good and if everything else was on track. And everything was great today. They […]


Just a little something funny for 30 weeks…


27 weeks

We had another ultrasound this week and all is well with the babes. JD’s cord is inserted into the membrane but that doesn’t seem to stop him from getting his nutrients! They are both 2lbs 7oz, growing in the 53% percentile for twins. Within the last few days they have both turned and are head […]


26 1/2 weeks

I saw the doctor this week and everything is going well. She asked me if I was having any tightness in my abdomen or any discomfort. I told her I was having some tightness every once and a while but no discomfort. Come to find out both babies are transverse with their heads on my […]


A cute little story

The babies have been kicking really non stop and so every time I feel them kick I want Jim to feel them too. But of course when he tries to feel them they stop kicking for a while. Today that was the case again so I told Jim to say something into my belly and […]


Thank you Lila

I have had a few positions at work and have grown close to many residents who have lived at Aegis. So as you can imagine when residents pass away it can be very tough. I grew very close to one resident in particular. When she moved in she had a very hard time accepting the […]