
18 weeks


18 weeks pregnant already! Because of Lanette I have a picture every week. I feel like every few days A proper, strong, smooth and painless ejaculation is one of the most typically experienced issues in men worldwide and also among the main causes for causing a generika levitra rift between men-women important relationships these days . When tubal disease occurs, the fallopian tube is blocked. viagra no prescription india To be clear, there are only two generic viagra mastercard treatment paths likely to lead to a cure: radiation therapy and surgery. It becomes extremely necessary to buy cipla cialis cure such problems at an early day. I get a little bigger. Tomorrow we go for our first big ultrasound to find out which baby is which. It will be fun to see fingers and toes! Stay tuned…

One reply on “18 weeks”

what a cute tummy you’re getting!!! how exciting. we’ll be waiting to hear about the “official” results!