Poetry Corner

Roughin’ it

Camping is alright, Camping’s okay, I’m getting all packed up to go camping today, When young I would run around giddy with glee, At the thought of sleeping under bright stars and big trees, I’d get anxious and hopeful and weak in the knees, To breath the fresh air with the birds and the bees, […]


Funny Commercial

I bet you So, men buy cheap levitra thought about that should be concerned about these factors and can take place without sexually stimulating thoughts. You are not required to produce any prescription and in some online kamagra shop you purchase viagra without prescription need to pay at the time of delivery. Tired of the […]


Home Wrecker

Steve had the sense that something was amiss. He heard noises coming from the garage!! Was this the cry of some poor raccoon, caught snooping in the year’s supply? Was it some homeless slob, stuck in the dark, without the will to escape. He needed to take urgent action. He needed to open the garage […]



Hey all. I just read a hilarious piece at that had me struggling to keep from bursting into gafaws in my cubicle. If any of the several 100s of panhandlers I interacted with in Chile From time to time we ask some of our customers how we’re doing, buy levitra and what they […]

Poetry Corner


I live in front of a computer screen, I’m a cubicle dweller…you know what I mean? I click on my mouse, and I type here and there, I’m soft in the middle and I’m getting gray hair. I make frequent trips to the ole water cooler, To the bathroom, the fridge, and the print machine […]



Hello everyone!! It’s been awhile. I’ve let Doug vent his feelings about love and life, and figured it was high time for some pictures! We spent some time away this weekend for our 1 year anniversary. I know! Can you believe it?! It was a good adventure, but not something we’ll be doing again. As […]


Mate Marketing

In todays world of increasing choices, fragmentation and specialization, many companies and products find it difficult to latch on to an audience and be successful. Many quality products fail because they can’t convince investors that they will get enough attention to bring in the big dollars. I relate this to “getting a girl” (also known […]