
He’s Bringing Sexy Back…

After two weeks without shaving, it was time. Saturday morning Jim shaved his beard off, or so I thought. He decided he wanted to try out the 70’s style mustache. Eww, Eww and Eww. I told him to shave it off and he said he wanted to show his family. It ended up that they were going to see a movie and I wasn’t going to go in public with it, so he shaved it off. He just needed to put on a red cape with some stretchy pants and he could go out as Nacho Libre!


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One reply on “He’s Bringing Sexy Back…”

Save me a piece of dat corn for later if I could grow a mustache I would do that for sure and run around screaming naachoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! But i am working on it slowly.