Holly Mae Hop-twins JD

I ♥ February – Eleven

Holly and JD’s personalities are changing so much these days. I love it. I always wondered if Holly would ever love princesses and dresses. And it seems as though she does. I love how she wants to carry around her Belle and Cinderella. “Rarella” “Blanket” “Belle” The babies can’t go anywhere without their blankets. We take them in the car, into Target, Sam’s club, in our bed. Everywhere. I think it adorable and can’t wait to see what other things Holly will start to love. Keep expectations about performance away in your sildenafil prices sex life. When refluxed stomach acid is aspired into lungs from esophagus, it generic cialis for women causes wheezing and cough. Sexual problems can be quite uncomfortable to discuss for some best price for sildenafil men. Unfortunately enough, there is still no method that may affect the state of the sperm cells as presented by the patient. linked here viagra online She is starting to use her little nursery thing we get her for Christmas too. Now I don’t feel like it was a waste. We have two little babies that match and Holly brings them to breakfast now. She brings both because JD must have one too. So in their high chairs they eat and hold their babies. Occasionally offering a slice of banana to them too!

JD loves airplanes and cars. I love what a little boy he’s turning into. If they see an airplane in the sky they point and say “Airplane, I see it!” And with every passing car JD has to point out each one. I love how he carries his airplanes and holds them in the air trying to make sounds.

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