Holly Mae

I ♥ February – One

I don’t think I love a month as much as February.

It’s my birthday.

Jim and I had our first date in February.

Not to mention our first kiss.

It’s Valentine’s Day.

Red and Pink

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Yummy Candies

It’s all about L-O-V-E!

So in honor of Love month and all things lovely I am going to post something I love everyday, and in no particular order.  I need motivation to post more often, so why not. What are the things you Love?

Holly loves to snuggle and more so when she’s sick, like today. I love/hate that she needs my hair to comfort her. I love how funny she already is especially when she jabbers out loud and actually makes sense! I love that whenever she gets something she always has to get something for JD. I love that she asks where Daddy is 100 times a day. I love that she loves her grandparents. And I love that she enjoys learning. Last night she slept in her toddler bed for the first time and she did awesome! I love that too!

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