
King Me!

In for more dental work yesterday… It was a lovely coronation ceremony filled with lovely displays of brain rattling drill, buff, cement and scrape work. Crown? It felt like they were building the new Trump Towers in my mouf!

Surprisingly, however, I am veritably without pain the morning after. Oddly enough, as well, I seem to be able to eat with the right side of my mouth again. Strange how that works! Again, the issue of watching ESPN while my mouth is being blitzkrieged made me ponder other strange juxtapositions:

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So go to, masses! Demand more comforting diversions during traditionally painful processes. The world can be a happier place!

2 replies on “King Me!”

hey you may be on to something there. Everybody has the right to be entertained while they get tortured. What if they played your favorite movie while you were getting the chair. I bet it would make a difference. What if during class they had big projector screen going on behind the professor with the year’s greatest web gems. I would definitely be more excited about going to class. At the local plasma center they have tvs for you when you donate your blood so that you can watch the movie of your choice. If I wasn’t so intimidated by needles I would probably try it just so I could watch a movie. anyway I hate to steal your thunder but I think this idea is already spread. It’s even in Rexburg!!

I have personal experience with the diversion during pain thing. As I read the blog my mind went back to the house on Sherwood Drive. I believe it was Matthew who was making his way into the world, labor had begun. I went back to the TV/toy room and slipped a James Taylor at Martha’s Vineyard tape in the VCR. Labor was much more enjoyable – Ok not enjoyable but bearable with JT’s smooth sounds. That was in the early stages. The later stages of labor is no place for any kind of video entertainment.

Visualize me in labor with Jimmy – he’s coming bum first, trying to break my backbone on the way, my only relief was dad rolling a raquetball on my back but he was watching Jeopardy….The idea that anyone could watch a game show while I was birthing a baby butt first was unbelievable. I seem to remember that dad took my “suggestion” and turned off the TV and got down to the serious business of watching me go into the valley of the shadow of childbirth.

The only other childbirth/entertainment memory is watching a commercial of a girl sliding down a long slide as I was in recovery from birthing my second boy butt first. Just watching that part of a body in contact with anything that wasn’t filled with ice nearly sent me into orbit. So as one who has been there, Oprah is not welcome in labor and delivery.