

Here’s the latest from Matt. We feel your pain on the heat thing. It’s so hot…our AC doesn’t even get it down to 80!!! Can you believe it!!

Also, he sent some more pictures that are not for the faint of heart, or members of PETA:
>>Click here<<

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2 replies on “Philippictures”

Isn’t that little boy with dog in hand the boy that is in the Nacho Libre movie starring Jack Black? You know I would say that they don’t do that in Argentina but I’m sure that there were poor people that would have cooked up a stray dog every now and then, thank goodness though that I never had to eat it. I would just like to let everyone know that here rexburg it is a sweltering 85 degrees. My air conditioning has it to 70 so although it is very uncomfortable outside I can find reminders of winter flurry in the solace of my home. Enjoy the heat you california hellians!

I just want you all to know that i didn’t eat that Dog…pretty disgusting. They did eat it though- the drunk people especially like Dog…maybe the Alcohol makes it taste better? They were trying to get me to eat it though…pretty dang gross.