Holly Mae Hop-twins JD

Two Two Year Olds

Really? Already? Are we really entering the stage of terrible twos? Maybe, just maybe. So far though it hasn’t been terrible.

We still have to stop Holly from biting and JD or JD from kicking and pushing Holly. I love the longer hair on both of their heads but it also is very enticing to pull. A lot of times its the first thing to grab when something isn’t going just right for the two of them. Time out is visited frequently but I think it’s becoming more of a game then anything else.

In between the chaos of twin two year olds we have the humble prayers volunteered by Holly, blessing each person by name, including her favorite toys and places.

JD is our sensitive, gentle giant who only wants the best for his sissy. He’s getting better at sleeping in his own bed and looooves his juice.
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They both beg to go to church on Sunday morning, hours before it starts. They love the fact that Gramma, Poppy and John are there to greet them. They will be able to sing I Love to See the Temple word for word really soon. I think they’re pretty smart.

They know how to call their aunts and uncles and know who they are calling before someone answers. Good thing we all have unlimited minutes! Face Time is our favorite for sure.

Happy Birthday Holly and JD! Thank you for blessing our lives the past two years. Mommy and Daddy love you!

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