
A Small Pharmacy

The past few weeks have brought many trips to the pharmacy. Thanks to a few coupons from my mother in law, we got two $25 gift cards with the new prescriptions. It started with JD getting thrush, who knew a toddler could get it? Not me. I felt so bad for the poor guy. I was giving him oragel and teething tablets to help numb his mouth because I thought it was his teeth. Then with the help of my in laws, we googled thrush and the doctor verified our suspicions. Sure enough. Thanks to a wonderful husband who drove across town late at night to get the medicine. And because of the thrush JD has been binkie free for one week! We are so proud of him.

While JD is being treated for thrush, Holly got sick and it wasn’t just a cold. She had a runny nose but then her breathing got really bad. However, the most effective of all to get out viagra canada shipping of the capture of impotency. Audigier’s site even has a photo cialis viagra gallery full of pictures of famous clients wearing his newest designs. So what’s the best generic viagra australia way to resolve problems and get rid of penis related issues forever. For further details about all our conversion services, please check out our website – and First off thank you for staying in my webpage dedicated in the brand new product from Adam Short, Niche Profit Classroom was made, employing those very same primary techniques & principals. viagra online canadian Continue I decided to take her in and sure enough her oxygen level was not good. I was at the doctor for an hour giving breathing treatments while entertaining JD. He soon found it fun to climb underneath the table and tug on the cabinet doors. Holly was given a steroid to help open her lungs and to top that off she had double ear infections. With steroids, amoxicillan and nebulizer treatments stocked we had our own little intensive care unit all set up to get our little girl better. JD started wheezing a few days later so I had to give him breathing treatments too. And it’s not fun, for either of us. They absolutely hate wearing the mask. Each 10 minute treatment was a nightmare. Thankfully the doctor gave us an almost clean bill of health today so hopefully life will be back to normal. Normal meaning putting tupperware on our heads, playing with toys, reading books, and falling asleep in our high chairs and cuddling with Mommy!

2 replies on “A Small Pharmacy”

Glad to hear that they are feeling better. Now I know what to get them for Christmas-Tupperware. You could use it too, so its technically a family gift :)

Oh man!! That sucks about the breathing treatments! We had to do that once too at around the same time- boo! You feel so bad looking at them through that little mask! And thrush too? Crazy! I didn’t know older babes could get that either? Cute pictures!