
I ♥ February – Eight

We’ve been watching a lot of sports around here lately. And though we are disappointed with some of the teams, cough 49ers, A’s and Warriors cough, we are extremely excited to be watching the Cougars this year. Both football and basketball! Basketball more so because there’s this guy, maybe you’ve heard of him, JD sure has. His name is Jimmer. Jimmer is ridiculous and can shoot from basically anywhere on the court. Sports commentators are in awe of this guy and so are we. We love “The Jimmer.” We love watching him play so much that we even paid extra on Saturday to watch the game. Now that’s love, I tell ya! Holly and JD get in on the excitement, clapping and throwing their hands in the air when the crowd does. And of course we had to teach them to say his name!

Go Jimmer!

(Did you see JD’s aerodynamic running? That kid is so funny!)

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Just in case you are hiding under your rock and haven’t heard of him before you should go here and here. And if those weren’t enough go here or here.

And if BYU and Jimmer wasn’t enough, The Pack is Back ya’ll! I loved watching the big game with friends at the annual McKissick Super Bowl party! The game and commercials could have been a little more exciting but I guess that’s why Christina Aguilera and the Black Eyed Peas were there, right?

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