
I ♥ February – Nine

I’m addicted.

Really I could name a few things, but I’ll admit only one. I’m addicted to my iPhone. I have to charge it sometimes have to charge it twice in one day because I use it so much. I love to text, read blogs, check my email, check facebook, and play kiddie games with Holly and JD. My number one favorite thing to do is play Words with Friends. I love it. And I actually get to think a little bit! I play with my sister in Nashville, my mom and brother in Virginia, my sister in law and mother in law here and my good friend here. I think I have about about six games going. I love when the game is so close that I happen to win by a few points or coming up with words that I would/have never ever used before. Or when I get 72 points for one word. Though I’ve been beat out by my friend Marci with a 116 point word, in the beginning of the game.

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3 replies on “I ♥ February – Nine”

Agreed! Sometimes I play 2 games at a time with the same person. Most of the time by mistake but that way you both have a chance to win-or lose. The most points I’ve ever scored on one word was 142! Booyah. I wasn’t cheating or anything.

You are so funny! Words with friends has taken our friendship to a whole other level. I love sharing the addiction!

And that 116 was pretty dang awesome.
Just sayin.