
I’m Not Always A Quitter

There have been very few things that I have quit. Okay now that I think about it, it might be more than just a few.

When I was a freshman in high school I tried out for the basketball team. I quit, long before tryouts were even over. It was just too much running for me. Or something like that. No biggie though. I’m no WNBA star.

I started scrap booking my life and quit that too. Jim reminds me that I have no pictures of us in my scrapbook. I’ll get to it eventually. Secretly I know he’s happy because it can be an expensive hobby.

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Three and a half months ago I went back to work. Mostly to save money to have another baby and to add to our savings account. It started off a little rough, but now Holly and JD say bye to me and don’t cry when I leave. And they don’t cry when I go run an errand and leave them at home. They’ve grown close to Aunt Cate. We’ve saved some money. Enough for a baby? Not sure. But it’s okay. And I’m quitting. It’s getting stressful at home. I thought I could be a full time working mommy and be happy at the same time. But it’s stressful and hard. I rarely cook dinner and I know I’m not the best wife. I don’t know how women do it. I stayed home one day this week and told Holly that Mommy is here at home today with them. She was thrilled. JD and I cuddled right before naps. One night I asked Holly what she wanted to do with Aunt Cate tomorrow. Her response,  “Mommy here.” Translation: Mommy here at home. At least that’s what I got from it.

I’m quitting work to be the Mommy I was meant to be. Best decision for my family right now! Now bring on the summer!

6 replies on “I’m Not Always A Quitter”

good for you for wanting to broaden your horizons in order to develop your talents and find out what you’re “best” at :-). (that’s they way you should look at trying things and then quitting!) it seems that you’re “best” at being mommy–i figured that out too when emily was about 18 mos old. money may be tight, but i’ve never regretted it! i’m sure you won’t either :-).

I am just going to say . . . .GOOD FOR YOU!!! I worked for a short period of time after Brendon was born. Then I tried babysitting, not a good idea. Worked for another short time and when I became prego with Kelsey, Gordon and I decided having me home would be better and he took on two jobs.

Low and behold a very short time, maybe even weeks later Gordon got a new job which paid more than both jobs combined.

The Lord will bless you for your desire to do His will to nuture those beautiful children. They need you. YOU NEED THEM! I didn’t realize those two things until they were much older and I went back to work. Be grateful you have the choice and just enjoy every moment possible. Because time goes by quickly.

I promise you, you will never regret it! Love you :)

YAY!! I’m sure it was a super hard decision, but I’m certainly excited about it! I miss you and your kiddos! I think it is awesome that you had this opportunity and that you had the strength to do it! And I think it was good for you and the kids in different ways but definitely a time and a season kind of thing. Being a mommy is hard work but it is definitely the best job there is! Plus, this age is so much fun! Now we can play all summer! What should we do first??

Last year, we were worried about money, and so I started watching a little girl who was about the same age as Maiya, full time. It was horrible from the beginning, but I kept doing it, hoping it would get better. But I couldn’t quit, because I was too worried about money! So, I kept going for 10 months, even while I was going through Chemotherapy etc. Anyway! I look back, and I can tell that the Spirit was trying to tell me to quit, and I wish that I would have listened a lot sooner. So, I am proud of you for following the promptings and quitting now!!
You won’t regret staying home with the kiddos. And by the way, we have been just fine with money. The Lord has blessed us so much in that area. And one thing I learned, is I spend more money the more stressed I am, like getting take out instead of making a nice cheap meal. And when I am not stressed, I can actually take time to clip some coupons, etc.
So, Congrats! (also, love the pics by the Oakland temple… I was married there. )

Good for you Liz!! I can’t imagine working and being a full time mommy, especially when the kids are this young. Things will work out the way the Lord wants them. I hope I get to see you some this summer! Take care, and enjoy your little munchkins, they sure are cute!