
We Love Visitors!

We were lucky enough to have Grandma Raab visit us for ten days. It was so nice to have help during the day and the babies loved it too! It took them no time to show Grandma around and become attached to her. Holly and JD were excited to show Grandma her room and enjoyed a new room to play in.

It was a fun week with Grandma. She spoiled us and I think she was spoiled back with lots of loves from Holly and JD. They especially enjoyed having Grandma read and sing to them. They learned what a train and fire truck say and enjoyed looking at pictures of their aunts, uncles and cousins on her computer.

We hit a hot spell while Grandma was here too so when we got back from running errands we filled up the pool for the babes and they splashed their little hearts out. JD preferred to stand in the water or run around while Holly was content in the water splashing until she was soaked and shivering. She’s a great splasher in the pool and in the bathtub!

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We were lucky enough to have Grandpa out here for a little bit while he was doing some business. He was able to stay the night and Holly and JD really enjoyed him and his suitcase!

We had such a fun time with Grandma here and missed her as soon as she wheeled her suitcase into the airport. Holly cried when Grandma was saying good bye. I started then Grandma started. Needless to say it was a tearful goodbye! We can’t wait to see her again soon. For now we’ve closed the guest room door to keep Grandma’s smell in the room. Holly will especially miss hanging out on the bed while Grandma gets ready!!

One reply on “We Love Visitors!”

Very cute. Looks like they have had fun with their guests until it was time for everyone to leave. I got a little misty when you were talking about the rest of you crying. Big babies!